
3 best methods to get free UC in PUBG Mobile

PUBG Mobile is one of the most well-known mobile games in the battle royale subgenre. The game has unsurpassed HD graphical quality and engaging gameplay elements like maps, modes, and other cosmetics. Outfits, weapon skins, and other cosmetics in the game are highly sought after by players. However, gamers must have UC in their accounts to purchase these premium items.

The in-game currency in PUBG Mobile is called UC or Unknown Cash, and it can only be purchased with real money. As a result, most players do not have the option to add UC to their account and to unlock the required item in the shop. For this reason, they often search for methods to obtain free UC, so they can purchase their preferred skins, and have fun with their friends and teammates.

Three prominent methods for free UC in PUBG Mobile

3) Redeem Codes

Redeem Codes are a fantastic way to gain a lot of free stuff in PUBG Mobile, including free UC and EXP cards. From PUBG's official social media accounts on platforms like YouTube and Instagram, gamers may obtain these redeem codes. These codes are typically given away by the developers during any formal event to increase general viewing.

Gamers can get and utilize these codes by visiting the official redeem code page. To obtain the rewards in the mail, players must paste the code into the box along with their character ID. These codes and unique outfit bundles are frequently given for free by the developers along with Elite Passes. Additionally, the Elite Pass also offers free UC to complete Elite missions and move up the levels.

2) Play online custom rooms and tournaments

The second way by which players can earn UC in PUBG Mobile is by participating in custom rooms and tournaments. Players can find a variety of YouTubers and other creators hosting bespoke online rooms and reading winners of free UC and other prizes like Elite Pass and much more.

Additionally, gamers can participate in some competitions put on by Krafton and other tournament organizers. It is a fantastic method to put your gaming abilities to the test and improve your competitive experience. Players can participate in these tournaments on free services like Discord and Instagram, win them, and use the money they receive to get free UC for the title.

1) Google Opinion Rewards

One of the finest ways for PUBG Mobile players to earn UC is through Google Opinion Rewards. The Google Play Store offers the app at no cost. It is entirely safe to use the Google-built and developed app. The Get Paid idea, in which users are compensated for accomplishing tasks assigned to them, is the premise of the app.

Google rewards its users for competing surveys offered in the app. The surveys only take a few seconds to complete and feature random themes. By completing these surveys, users can earn real money for their Google Play accounts. Once they obtain the required amount of money, PUBG players can redeem UC using their Google Play accounts in the in-game currency store.

Note: This list solely reflects the writer's opinion, and individuals should check all the applications' terms of service and privacy policies before using them.

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Sebrina Pilcher

Update: 2024-06-05